EDC - East Durham College
EDC stands for East Durham College
Here you will find, what does EDC stand for in Institution under Education category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate East Durham College? East Durham College can be abbreviated as EDC What does EDC stand for? EDC stands for East Durham College. What does East Durham College mean?East Durham College is an expansion of EDC
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Alternative definitions of EDC
- Export Development Corporation
- Exhibitor Designated Contractor
- European Documentation Centre
- Error Detection and Correction
- Estimated Date Of Confinement
- Error Detecting Code
- Engineering Data Control
- Electronic Digital Computer
View 167 other definitions of EDC on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
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- EUSDI Ensign United States Drilling Inc.
- EGRE Era Grizzard Real Estate
- EOUK Entertainment One UK
- ECPS Education for Change Public Schools
- EBR Exit Bennett Realty
- EGC Embree Group of Companies
- EMC Elixir Management Consultancy
- EWBC Engineers Without Borders Canada
- EBC Employee Benefits Corporation
- EADRS Emirates Airlines Dubai Rugby Sevens
- EESD Enterprise Elementary School District
- EBE Enfield Board of Education
- EWC East West Consulting
- ELG Epic Lanka Group
- ECB Equatorial Commercial Bank
- EBC Eagle Broadcasting Corporation